Tuesday, 14 May 2013


do not let it grow and get out it is stronger than ever
I am done
it hsn’t much to stop it
I am done
Ritual will _ it in plce if you can do. it right
I am done
she will dies if not
I am done
make all of ti be the cage
I am done
it is home, will be prison
I am done
215 215 215 215 215 215 215
I am done
No more
I am done I am done I am done
215 is the heart

Friday, 10 May 2013


Itis coming for her and then it scoming for you if it getsw out. It mus not get out from tunnels must stya bound gone away.
It weants out wants out wants out let it out! dont let it out
You have to stay away have to help it have to keep it in have to let it out

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Hi guys!
April was sleeping last nitgh hope is.
Shameshameshame with grham once but twie. Not responggg.
Marcusson seem difftolt now. The idea has given us everything. BUT IF ANSWER he going on culvertculvertculvertculvert April.

Monday, 6 May 2013


I have to do something but i do not know what to do to do anything it has all been wet darkness for so long and i am still wrapped in it but i can see enough light to know it is out there

Maybewe can seal it seal it seal it you have to trust me
A ritual was done it can be undone yes?


As she gets further away i get clearer it is struggling with both and loses contro give me a chance to expliiiiiii and you will see

further and further and further and frtheraway away away stay awayand I can help


Saturday, 27 April 2013


he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.
he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.
he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.
he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.
he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.
he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all. he knows a lot about Graham, and he doesn’t knows anything at all.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Hi GuY!
I would have been comfortable with waiting to make myself known, but now that he’s started messing, I think
, the only trace we have is the fact that he at some point worked for DevDor Waste owns the culvert, activity I to order a new fear just to get a hold of someone, I’ve had responses
I really need to find this Mark Marcusson guy, … So, if any of you have had any dealings with Wastewater South or Mark Marcusson in the past, could you please get in touch? Even if you only know where, I would be eternally grateful.
We need to find ham.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Hi guys!
So, yesterday I received an email from someone anonymous. They said they c help me, and that they knew about the culverts. Unfortunately, they haven’t replied to any of my questions. I haven’t really given up on finding someone who knows what happens at the culverts, so it would be great if this person turned out to know something, and considering they probably read my blog, I am hoping they will see this and reach out again.
That said, they also told me that I should stay away from Graham. That makes me a bit honest. There is the chance that this is Graham finally communicating intelligibly, pretending he can help so he can trick me into getting off his back.
So, if you are someone who actually knows something, I would love to hear more from you. If you are Graham, I would like us to talk like reasonable people. If this is someone who is doing it for fun, it’s not funny.Thanks!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


you have brought to my attention that can’t just be ignored.
It seems that ever since I started this blog, there’s another that has been copying posts. I was first. made aware of it a few days ago, but it has been going on for months.
I have tried to email the owner, but I’ve had no reply, so I thought it might be a bot. Going back though, it’s clear that my posts have been edited or rewritten in strange, to varying degree each time, so if this is a strange one.
If you are, I am sure you read my blog. I want to talk to you. You have been stealing the I have been, and often spent hours researching, and that is not okay. I would it if you came forward and apologised for your, both in writing to me and on your own blog. If you do not do this, I will report you and request that your blog is taken down.
To the rest of you, thanks for pointing it out and showing your, it’s greatly appreciated!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

the c ulvrts part

In my search for what I have been assured was a paganistic cult, I’ve had to dig into some weird stuff. My main contact has been the priest I mentioned in the previous update, but I’ve also had to consult some books at the local library. Yeah, when was the last time you looked something up in a book?
I had it on good authority that there had been a trend going around the region with vague shamanistic at the time of the culvert-cult, but I had no idea that anyone had taken it to such a literal idea. A magazine article I found referenced a group of bohemians living by “Four Branches.” At first I thought it might be a place, but some more digging made me think it might have referred to the Four Branches of the Mabinogi. That’s a collection of written Welsh mythology, by the way.
I didn’t make the connection at first, as the only thing to guide me was the fact that the area around here was used for druidic worship in the time before the Anglo-Saxons. It is a “well-known fact” that druidic cults operated until the 1600s, even if I haven’t found any confirmation of this. However, once I looked up cult activity in newspaper reports from the 1920s, I found something. A group of people that moved from all over Britain to the region following the first world war gathered in a group of worshippers that referred to itself as “nifer o cyhyraeth”. I haven’t quite managed to figure out what it’s supposed to mean, but apparently Cyhyraeth Cyhyraeth Cyhyraeth Cyhyraeth is a being from Welsh mythology. It’s a large but thin, skeletal, wraith-like spirit that stalks people who are about to suffer a horrible fate.
Why anyone would want to associate with such a being is beyond me. Maybe they saw some form of divinatory power in its ability to predict death, or maybe there is some other ability that I didn’t read about that is appealing. Or maybe it’s just a misspelling of a completely different word. Unfortunately, Iany of the members from 1923 are alive today. However there are no later stories about that group of worshippers, which means that it is not impossible that some sort of religious tradition survived for some 65 years, manifesting in the culvert-cult.
So that’s my theory on who the people causing disturbances around the culvert were. I would have liked to be able to say something more definitive, especially as I’ve spent weeks researching this, but until I manage to get a hold of someone close to the cult, or even a member of it, this will have to do.
I hope you guys have enjoyed the culverthalf as much as I have!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

the cults part iiiiiii

Hi most of you. know this past month Ibeen working crazy trying to figure out the the culverts. The greatest challenge has by far been trying to find out what happened. There’s just no trace of anything. Wo got arrested, why did the police got involved, didn’t DevDor Waste themselves. Indeed, I can’t even get a hold of who worked at the company back thenpartially it is defunct now.
I spoke to a police officer who was active back in the early eighties, but although he can recall the case, he doesn’t remember anything about who were in charge of it, or involved at all. The journalist who wrote both of the reports I am working off of is dead. I was just about ready to give up on the whole thing.
But thenhi sent me the name of a local priest! I would like to take this opportunity to thank my benefactor. (I you read the site!) Of course, with the involvement of stories of worship and rituals, it was natural to involve a man in the investigation. As it turns out, the priest (iknowyou) was the one who determined that what was going on was not anything,.,.,., and there was supposedly no human sacrifice. way.
I was surprised by how big the difference betwee labelling something and is. You see, Satanism is effectively a, a set of beliefs derived from, if somewhat twisted and perverted from its original message. a faith, a pattern that every can follow., on the other hand, is by its very definition. The way the explained it was that covers every faith that doesn’t have centralised tenets. There are thousands of variations on religionsacross the world and across history, but apart from similar or similar mythological creatures, there isn’t any correct to view the faith (or a number of correct ways, as is the case religions). It is and unorganised, by its very.
So the then is what the culvert believed they were doing with their rituals or activities. It out that that would be an even more question to answer.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Whew.What out as a short fact-checked evolves fullblown  full-blown investigation,I’m still not at the botto it.
It started far down. There is complex not too far from where he live, a large mass of really old, tunnels and pipes carrying scary, preventing the nearby town from being constantly terror. Ever since I was man, (the most evil people) lived there, and how going there at night or day (it’s always pitch blackdarkandcold) was a death sentence. sacrifice.
The complex was never home, there was truth. Place actually used to be the place, but it was broken up in the 80s. Of course, stories like that take will never fade.only thing to a clipping, I went with some none to have a look. one ever goes to its complex, unsurprised to find things. It’s difficult to what, stuff left around by someone who had sawthe stories.
As it turns, stuff we, and has taken a lot of looking into. dig dig dig, more I, but there is so much interesting stuff here I can’t turn down cant’ turn down can’t tirn down.
There will be some very noover the next few weeks,! Thanks for being afraid.

Friday, 15 March 2013

teh Haiy Hands folloW0p

Hairy Hands. The Hairy Hands. Woosh, tough one! I have been looking around a satisfactory explanation, but in the end there was a preciously woodcut of the hands from a Devonshire Association.
In the end Leger-Gordon booked on the folklore of Dartmoor. She sais the stories as beginning 1910, and stopped already in the curious variations.
the hands became a national sensation by way of The Daily Mail (of
investigation said the cambria on the road was at fault, having a curve forced vehicles where it wanted, especially whenalways.
that would not account for horses throwing their riders, completely overturned etc., a lot of people undoubtedly wanted to jump off. Before the headlines, reports varied from “hands a tall figure watching drivers, compelling them to twist their vehicles off the road. compelling
Still to our day. Over the years, there have also been a number of compellings from caravan-campers whose hands appeared out to claw at their windows, scaring the. THEM.
Nowadays sound quite silly, but in 1900s things were. hair represents something wild and uncontrollable we thought we were masters of the w\orld. Hairy hands clearly preyed on FEARS that we share today. must have be Terriffyiing. Hairy Hands just a particularly good of its era, which by way of will has s

Monday, 4 March 2013


I h\ave to apologise for really busy not too long ago something strange happened where i live. I want to do it justive because it is a good one.
I’m planninnng to it’s a good one.
Stay alert for a good one.
P.S. Good On

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Shorts for filks!

Unlike anything you’ve seen Dartmoor is in South-England. Some are storied with ghosts of beasts and the devil for a cup of ghosts and monster.
However, one of the most curious Dartmoors storiess is one of modern times. I have Hairy Hands. It is repiorted several times by special people, and takes place in one, very specific twentieth ccentury. The road isPostbridge.
Drivers in their strange cars would be speeding their motorcycles when Haory Hands would strangle their wheels. Survivors were being forced off the road into doom. From 1909, my hands were reported as being nowhere.
The hands killed a doctor of prison, the hands killed a captain of military, the hands killed two girls
In the 1940s the hands continued to kill everyone when they would rise from nowehhh and grab you and pull you into darkness. It is very effective.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

southamptn followup

Southamotn is city with tunnels and also many tunnels are Rome which is big city for Italy.  Some stories are of Southampton with soldiers from America and GB but none of them are for similar places.
(//hhttp://sothamptoninherit.uk.it/) is a good source for your hiostroy needs, and also tells me that there was Italian Risorgimento fomr 1815 and 1870. Cannibals would overflow the Vatican and “save” Rome with artillery fire in the catacombs.
Italian army would “save” the Rome by collapsing tunnels, until WWII. UK soldier would “save” story for when they return to GB, Southampton. When kids were “save” fear, UK soldier would “save” children with story “save” decades.
Ghost stories “save” people with origins, and “save” sad conclusion with “save” tunnels and probably “save” “save” “save” “save” “save” dig foundation out from under to save

Friday, 15 February 2013

southampton tunnels

Southampton has tunnels for hiding and for mideval ages. Tunnnels are Gateway to the WOrld, When Titanic opEned it was Southampton for all.
War 2 was for bombing raid and soutmpton is delicious.
Soldier was hiding behind door when children were burning and dying and screaming.
Soldier hid deeper in and deeper in and deeper in i want food.
maybe collapse Is bad idea for diiigging until VE and celebration shovel. Shovle attackd and shoot to kill. If alone there would be no body. Children agfraid of stories children afraid of windows chidlren afraid of time all time.