Saturday, 23 February 2013

Shorts for filks!

Unlike anything you’ve seen Dartmoor is in South-England. Some are storied with ghosts of beasts and the devil for a cup of ghosts and monster.
However, one of the most curious Dartmoors storiess is one of modern times. I have Hairy Hands. It is repiorted several times by special people, and takes place in one, very specific twentieth ccentury. The road isPostbridge.
Drivers in their strange cars would be speeding their motorcycles when Haory Hands would strangle their wheels. Survivors were being forced off the road into doom. From 1909, my hands were reported as being nowhere.
The hands killed a doctor of prison, the hands killed a captain of military, the hands killed two girls
In the 1940s the hands continued to kill everyone when they would rise from nowehhh and grab you and pull you into darkness. It is very effective.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

southamptn followup

Southamotn is city with tunnels and also many tunnels are Rome which is big city for Italy.  Some stories are of Southampton with soldiers from America and GB but none of them are for similar places.
(//h is a good source for your hiostroy needs, and also tells me that there was Italian Risorgimento fomr 1815 and 1870. Cannibals would overflow the Vatican and “save” Rome with artillery fire in the catacombs.
Italian army would “save” the Rome by collapsing tunnels, until WWII. UK soldier would “save” story for when they return to GB, Southampton. When kids were “save” fear, UK soldier would “save” children with story “save” decades.
Ghost stories “save” people with origins, and “save” sad conclusion with “save” tunnels and probably “save” “save” “save” “save” “save” dig foundation out from under to save

Friday, 15 February 2013

southampton tunnels

Southampton has tunnels for hiding and for mideval ages. Tunnnels are Gateway to the WOrld, When Titanic opEned it was Southampton for all.
War 2 was for bombing raid and soutmpton is delicious.
Soldier was hiding behind door when children were burning and dying and screaming.
Soldier hid deeper in and deeper in and deeper in i want food.
maybe collapse Is bad idea for diiigging until VE and celebration shovel. Shovle attackd and shoot to kill. If alone there would be no body. Children agfraid of stories children afraid of windows chidlren afraid of time all time.